CS Week 1

  • Created by: chxc
  • Created on: 04-05-24 09:20
Purpose of the CPU
The CPU's purpose is to undertake the Fetch, Decode, Execute cycle.
address held in the program counter is copied into the MAR.
The address in the program counter is then incremented (increased) by one. The program counter now holds the addre
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CPU Components
Control Unit - Decodes instructions and controls the flow of data around the computer system.
Arithmetic and Logic Unit - Undertakes all mathematical equations the CPU needs to do.
Cache - Small, fast memory in the CPU, it can refer to RAM.
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Von Neumann Architecture
Registers are small, fast memory that can do one specific task. Buses allow for transmission of data throughout the CPU.
The Von Neumann Architecture is when:
Data and instructions are both stored as binary digits. Data and instructions are both stored i
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CPU Performance
The CPU is affected by three factors, these are:

Clock Speed - The frequency of the pulses in the CPU, the higher the frequency, the more instructions that can be performed at one given time.
Cache Size - The size of the cache relates to the time the pro
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Embedded Systems
An embedded system is a device that is not a PC with a CPU inside of it, they can only do one specific thing.
Some examples are:
Smart heating
Self-driving car.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


CPU Components


Control Unit - Decodes instructions and controls the flow of data around the computer system.
Arithmetic and Logic Unit - Undertakes all mathematical equations the CPU needs to do.
Cache - Small, fast memory in the CPU, it can refer to RAM.

Card 3


Von Neumann Architecture


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


CPU Performance


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Embedded Systems


Preview of the front of card 5


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