CSA Stage 1 (IV)

  • Created by: Eltanova
  • Created on: 19-10-20 11:08
Mrs H 27yrs complained of RIF pain that suddenly started a few hours ago. Does not radiate and is constant. Moving makes it worse (9/10 severity), nothing makes it better. Last LMP was 6 weeks ago, but has vaginal spotting this morning. Dx?
Ectopic pregnancy
1 of 15
Mrs. Brown 44yrs complains of RUQ pain, which is episodic in nature (6/10 severity), moving to the right shoulder. Eating fatty foods like pizza makes it worse. Nothing makes it better. Dx?
Acute cholecystitis
2 of 15
Mrs. Brown 44yrs complains of RUQ pain, which is episodic in nature (6/10 severity), moving to the right shoulder. Eating fatty foods like pizza makes it worse. Nothing makes it better. Which not a DDx?
3 of 15
Mr. Keith 65yrs has constipation for few weeks, but had diarrhoea a week prior. Noticed some blood in his stool during defecation. Has lost 7kg in 2 months unintentionally. Appetite has reduced slightly. Not taking any medications. Dx?
Colorectal carcinoma
4 of 15
What is the meaning of tenesmus?
Feeling of incomplete evacuation
5 of 15
Mr. Keith 65yrs has constipation for few weeks, but had diarrhoea a week prior. Noticed some blood in his stool during defecation. Has lost 7kg in 2 months unintentionally. Appetite has reduced slightly. Not taking any medications. Not a DDx?
Bowel obstruction
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Mr Jones 65ys has difficulty swallowing solid foods for 3 months, which is becoming worse, effecting drinking liquids now too. 7kg unintentional weight loss in the last few month and feeling generally unwell. Drink and smoke for years. Dx?
Oesophageal carcinoma
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How do you differential between achalasia and an oesophageal lesion?
Dysphagia with solids and liquids at the same time, compared to the latter, with solids first then liquid dysphagia
8 of 15
Mr Jones 65ys has difficulty swallowing solid foods for 3 months, which is becoming worse, effecting drinking liquids now too. 7kg unintentional weight loss in the last few month and feeling generally unwell. Drink and smoke for years. Which is not DDx?
9 of 15
Male urination problems: If a patient has dysuria, frequency, urgency, nocturia, what problem is it likely to be associated with?
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Male urination problems: If a patient has hesitancy, poor stream, terminal dribbling, what problem is it likely to be associated with?
11 of 15
What is untrue regarding bladder cancer?
Warning signs include an increased need to pee, straining while you pee, a feeling that your bladder has not fully emptied
12 of 15
What is not true about UTI's?
Men are at greater risk of developing a UTI than are women
13 of 15
Mr. Johnson 60yrs noticed blood in his urine yesterday (frank, red) each time he urinated and that there is more frequency to urine. No pain associated. No other urinary symptoms. Work in a rubber factory for many years and is a long term smoker. Dx?
Bladder carcinoma
14 of 15
Mr. Johnson 60yrs noticed blood in his urine yesterday (frank, red) each time he urinated and that there is more frequency to urine. No pain associated. No other urinary symptoms. Work in a rubber factory for many years and is a long term smoker. Not DDx?
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Mrs. Brown 44yrs complains of RUQ pain, which is episodic in nature (6/10 severity), moving to the right shoulder. Eating fatty foods like pizza makes it worse. Nothing makes it better. Dx?


Acute cholecystitis

Card 3


Mrs. Brown 44yrs complains of RUQ pain, which is episodic in nature (6/10 severity), moving to the right shoulder. Eating fatty foods like pizza makes it worse. Nothing makes it better. Which not a DDx?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Mr. Keith 65yrs has constipation for few weeks, but had diarrhoea a week prior. Noticed some blood in his stool during defecation. Has lost 7kg in 2 months unintentionally. Appetite has reduced slightly. Not taking any medications. Dx?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the meaning of tenesmus?


Preview of the front of card 5
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