Cultural variation in Relationships 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyRelationshipsA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: francesca_321Created on: 22-02-16 11:06 Who said that relationships in Western cultures tend to be individuistic, voluntary and temporary? Moghaddam et al 1 of 10 Where as what do non western cultures? collectivist, involuntary and permanent 2 of 10 What do Collectivist cultures show? attributes that value vertical relationships 3 of 10 for example? Parent and child 4 of 10 Over what kind of relationships? HOrizontal relationships (spouse - spouse 5 of 10 What is this reverse in? Individulistic cultures 6 of 10 What do western relationships focus on? Individual rahter than the group/collective 7 of 10 There is more what? Interdependence, and less self-reliance and hedonism in collectivist cultures 8 of 10 What do you have a beter chance of doing in Western society? meeting and forming voluntary relationships inw estern society 9 of 10 Traditionally the potential for meeting people in non-western cultures was? low 10 of 10
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