Dangerously Similar Latin Words 0.0 / 5 ? LatinVocabularyGCSEOCR Created by: BeanOCreated on: 01-06-18 18:36 Which Latin word means ' by chance '? forte 1 of 8 Which Latin word means ' some / several '? nonnuli 2 of 8 Which Latin word means ' finally '? denique 3 of 8 Which Latin word means ' avoid' ? vito 4 of 8 Which Latin word means ' to place / put ' ? pono 5 of 8 What is the Latin word for ' death ' mors 6 of 8 What is the Latin word meaning ' to this place '? huc 7 of 8 What is the Latin word meaning ' announce '? nuntio 8 of 8