Dates ans events 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe English Civil WarGCSENone Created by: berrypurpleCreated on: 14-05-16 13:30 Vesalius publishes his work 1543 1 of 12 the Gunpowder Plot 1605 2 of 12 Columbus discovers America 1492 3 of 12 The execution of Charles I 1649 4 of 12 the restoration of Charles II 1660 5 of 12 Isaac Newton discovers gravity 1666 6 of 12 the Glorious Revolution 1688 7 of 12 The Indian Mutiny 1857 8 of 12 The Abolition of the Slave Trade 1807 9 of 12 Galileo 1610 10 of 12 The English Civil War 16642-45 11 of 12 the Great Exhibition 1851 12 of 12
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