DCT year 13

The view that only one religion offers the complete means of salvation.
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The view that although one's own religion is the normative (setting the standard of normality) means of salvation, those who accept its central principles may also receive salvation.
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The view that there are many ways to salvation through different religious traditions.
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Multi-faith societies
Societies where there are significant populations of people with different religious beliefs.
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Missionary work
Activity that aims to convert people to a particular faith or set of beliefs, or works for social justice in areas of poverty or deprivation.
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Inter-faith dialogue
Sharing and discussing religious beliefs between members of different religious traditions, with an aim of reaching better understanding.
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An open letter sent to more than one recipient.
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The legislative body of the Church of England.
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Social cohesion
When a group is united by bonds that help them to live together peacefully.
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Gender biology
The physical characteristics that enable someone to identify as male or female.
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Gender identification
The way people perceive themselves in terms of masculine, feminine, both or neither.
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Gender expression
The ways in which people behave as a result of their gender identification.
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The process by which people learn cultural norms.
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Patriarchal society
A society that is dominated by men and men's interests.
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The name given to a wide range of views arguing for, and working for, equality for women.
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Post-Christian theology
Religious thinking that abandons traditional Christian thought.
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Reform feminist theology
Religious thinking that seeks to change traditional Christian thought.
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Davidic Messiah
A Messiah figure based on the kingly military images of the Hebrew scriptures (the Old Testament).
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Servant king
An understanding of the Messiah that focuses on service rather than overlordship.
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Greek for 'wisdom', personified in female form in the ancient world.
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A term that can be used in different ways. It may mean a belief that religion should not be involved in government or public life. It may be a principle that no one religion should have a superior position in the State.
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An argument from the 50's and 60's that suggests religious belief will progressively decline as democracy and technology advances.
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When something is not connected or associated with religious or spiritual matters.
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Wish fulfillment
According to Freud, wish fulfillment is the satisfaction of a desire through a dream or other exercise of the imagination.
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The process by which a person becomes conscious of the power structures in society.
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Structural sin
The idea that sin is not just a personal action but something that can be brought about through unjust organisations and social structures.
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The process of becoming detached or isolated.
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Treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work or resources.
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Preferential option for the poor
The idea that Jesus Christ stood with the poor and oppressed, and that the Church should focus on them too and stand in solidarity with them.
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Base Christianity communities
Christian groups that gather together to try to directly resolve difficulties in their lives.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The view that although one's own religion is the normative (setting the standard of normality) means of salvation, those who accept its central principles may also receive salvation.



Card 3


The view that there are many ways to salvation through different religious traditions.


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Card 4


Societies where there are significant populations of people with different religious beliefs.


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Card 5


Activity that aims to convert people to a particular faith or set of beliefs, or works for social justice in areas of poverty or deprivation.


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