Definitions 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Health & Social CareFood and FitnessA2/A-levelAQA Created by: nybalennCreated on: 12-04-16 18:45 What is Muscular Fitness? Having the strength and stamina to cope with the stresses of everyday life, e.g. the person's capacity to exert force 1 of 11 What are the 2 types of muscular fitness? Maximum and Dynamic strength 2 of 11 What is Maximum Strength? The greatest force the muscle can EXERT in a single contraction. E.g. holding up heavy weight 3 of 11 What is Dynamic Strength? The ability of the Neuromuscular system to allow the muscle to CONTRACT at a speed whilst overcoming resistance e.g. running or biking 4 of 11 What is Flexibility? The range of movement possible by the whole body or parts of the body around a single joint. 5 of 11 What reduces flexibility? Osteoarthritis 6 of 11 What is the mobility equation? Mobility = Speed + Balance + Endurance 7 of 11 What is mobility? The ability to move and change directions with speed, balance and endurance 8 of 11 What is Speed? The ability in which the body parts get into motion quickly or at the maximum rate to enable the person move over a specific directions 9 of 11 What is Balance? The maintenance of the center OF mass OVER the base of support 10 of 11 What is Endurance? The ability to keep going or to sustain work without excessive fatigue (depends on muscular and aerobic fitness) 11 of 11