definitions 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesMarketing mixGCSEAQA Created by: Aiden.ssssCreated on: 01-02-17 12:15 definition of gap in the market an unmet customer need or a group of potnetial customers who are not yet purchasintg a good or service 1 of 6 definition of market observation looking at the market and seeing what you need to do to stay in front of the trend 2 of 6 definition of market map the market map is a way in which a company can identify business opportunities that are not currently being persued 3 of 6 definition of franchise the legal right to use the name and logo of an existing firm and sell the same products 4 of 6 definition of franchisee the firm that buys the franchise rights from the existing business 5 of 6 definition of franchisor the existing firm that sells the franchise rights to another business 6 of 6
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