Definitions of abnormality 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyAbnormalityA2/A-levelAQA Created by: JetpunkisfunCreated on: 24-12-19 14:55 Deviation from social norms Behaviour violating accepted social rules 1 of 14 Strengths Considers situational norms. Gives society right to intervene. Considers developmental norms 2 of 14 Limitations Social norms are subjective. They vary across cultures and time 3 of 14 Failure to function adequately Inability to cope with day-to-day lving 4 of 14 Rosenhan & Seligman's 7 features of personal dysfunction Personal distress. Maladaptive behaviour. Unpredictability. Irrationality. Observer discomfort. Violation of moral standards. Unconventionality 5 of 14 Strengths GAF scale allows scale of abnormality to be measured. Practical checklist. Gives a personal perspective of sufferers 6 of 14 Limitations Abnormality doesn't always include dysfunction. Normal abnormality eg. grieving, isn't accounted for. Cultural differences 7 of 14 Deviation from ideal mental health Failure to meet the criteria for perfect psychological wellbeing 8 of 14 6 Characteristics Positive attitude towards oneself. Self-actualisation. Autonomy. Accurate perception of reality. Environmental mastery. Resisting stress 9 of 14 Strengths Positive. Holistic. Allows people to set goals 10 of 14 Limitations Over-demanding criteria. Subjective criteria. Autonomy is not valued in collectivist, Asian cultures. 11 of 14 Statistical infrequency definition Behaviours that are rare (5% at each end of a population) are abnormal 12 of 14 Strengths Objective. No value judgement made. Overview of population 13 of 14 Limitations Unclear where to draw line. Not all infrequent behaviours are abnormal. Not all abnormal behaviours are infrequent 14 of 14
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