- Deviation from Social norms
- Deviation from Statistical norms
- Failure to function adequately
- Deviation from Ideal Mental Health JOHODA
1 of 12
What does deviation from social norms not consider
1) desirability of behavior
2) distinctions of rare, slightly odd and rare, Psychologically abnormal
3) No define cut off point
4) some psychologically abnormal behaviors are Common
2 of 12
Who established that some psychologically abnormal behaviors are common
3 of 12
example of a deviation from social norms
homosexuality used to be classed as a mental disorder
4 of 12
what is an example of statistical norms
normal distribution graph
5 of 12
How many elements of failure to function adequately must be present to be
6 of 12
What are the 5 behaviors of failure to function adequately
What are the 6 conditions of ideal mental health according to JAHODA
1) positive self attitude
2) Self actualization (fulfilment)
3) Resistance to stress
4) Personal Autonomy (being in control)
5) Accurate Perceptions of reality
6) Adaptation to the environment
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Issues with JAHODA 6 conditions
It is hard to meet all 6 standards so is subjective
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Why might ideal mental health vary
Can vary across time and cultures
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an example of different ideal mental health in different cultures
In some cultures it is still abnormal for women to enjoy sex and they are seem as nymphomaniacs
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What are 4 symptoms associated with mental health
1) impairment of intellectual functions (memory and comprehension)
2) Alteration of moods that lead to delusional appraisals of past/future and lack of appraisal
3) Delusional beliefs
4) Disordered thinking
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
1) desirability of behavior
2) distinctions of rare, slightly odd and rare, Psychologically abnormal
3) No define cut off point
4) some psychologically abnormal behaviors are Common
What does deviation from social norms not consider
Card 3
Card 4
homosexuality used to be classed as a mental disorder
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