'Self government' - a form of democracy that is based on the direct, unmediated and continuous participation of citizens in the tasks of government.
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Representative democracy
Indirect democracy - limited and indirect form of democracy which operates through the ability of representatives, chosen and removed through regular elections, to speak for, act on behalf of, the people.
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Liberal democracy
Indirect and representative form of democracy. The right to rule is gained through success in regular and competitive elections, conducted on the basis of the political equality.
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Pluralist democracy
Political system where there is more than one centre power which sees participation essentially via organised groups speaking up for a collective interest.
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A vote in which the electorate can express a view on a particular issue of public policy and is a device of direct democracy.
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2 types of referendums
Advisory (to guide the government) and binding (people make the decision, gives sovereignty to the people)
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3 examples of referendums
UK membership of the EEC (1975), Devolution for Scotland and Wales (1979), Scottish Independence (2014)
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Card 2
Representative democracy
Indirect democracy - limited and indirect form of democracy which operates through the ability of representatives, chosen and removed through regular elections, to speak for, act on behalf of, the people.
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