The supreme power of which a state is governed; first defined in the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648
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The nation state
Whereby all subjects or citizens are united by one common trait e.g. language
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Key themes; Selfishness of human nature, anarchical world system, importance of state borders
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Key themes; Human beings moral, ethical, conflict contained through globalisation
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The ability to influence the outcome of events
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Hard power
The ability of one state to coerce one or others; usually through military 'carrots' and economic 'sticks'
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Soft power
The ability of to influence others through 'attraction'; usually through diplomatic, cultural actions
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Balance of power
As a system, condition whereby no one state predominates; as a policy, deliberate attempt to create power equilibrium
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Is the leadership or dominance of one state over others, also defined by Gramsci as ideological leadership of bourgeoisie over proletariat
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Various ways power is distributed
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Whereby dominant power is shared only with one state, the hegemon
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Whereby power is shared between two states (neorealist- peace)
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Whereby power is shared by three or more states (liberals- peace)
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Global governance
The process which incorporates both informal and formal mechanisms as well as governmental bodies; further defined by Karns and Mingst as a 'collection of governance-related activites'
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World government
A political system which unites human kind under one common political authority
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Existence of an authority which is higher than the state
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The nation state
Whereby all subjects or citizens are united by one common trait e.g. language
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