Democracy and political participation 0.0 / 5 ? Government & PoliticsDemocracyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: katielaversCreated on: 03-05-18 11:20 Amount of people voting in favour of leaving the EU 17 million 1 of 12 Majority percentage of people voting 'leave' 52% 2 of 12 Democracy definition a system where the power is held by the people 3 of 12 Direct Democracy People can make decisions directly on an issue 4 of 12 Representative Democracy people vote for individuals who they want to make choices for them. 5 of 12 EU Turnout 72.2% 6 of 12 Liberal Democracy Right to vote is widespread, representatives act in interest of everyone 7 of 12 Majoritarian Democracy where the decisions of the majority are in the interests of parliament 8 of 12 Parliamentary Democracy Parliament is the highest authority, the executive will be drawn fromand accountable to the peoples representatives in parliament 9 of 12 Presidential Democracy System where the executive will be elected seperately from the legislative body 10 of 12 Pluralist Democracy Power is widely and evenly distributed across society 11 of 12 Functions of Democracy Representation, accountability, participation, power dispersal, legitimacy, education. 12 of 12
Advantages and Disadvantages of Pressure Groups in America 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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