Demographic Transition Model (DTM)

  • Created by: ShakiraB
  • Created on: 17-11-15 19:33
What is the birth rate, death rate, population growth rate, population size, and an example country in stage 1?
birth rate is high and fluctuating, death rate is high and fluctuating, pop growth rate is zero, pop size is low and steady, no countries some tribes in Brazil
1 of 5
What is the birth rate, death rate, population growth rate, population size, and an example country in stage 2?
birth rate is high and steady, death rate is rapidly falling, pop growth rate is very high, pop size is rapidly increasing, Gambia
2 of 5
What is the birth rate, death rate, population growth rate, population size, and an example country in stage 3?
birth rate is rapidly falling, death rate is slowly falling, pop growth rate is high, pop size is increasing, Egypt
3 of 5
What is the birth rate, death rate, population growth rate, population size, and an example country in stage 4?
birth rate is low and fluctuating, death rate is low and fluctuating, pop growth rate is zero, pop size is high and steady, UK/USA
4 of 5
What is the birth rate, death rate, population growth rate, population size, and an example country in stage 5?
birth rate is slowly falling, death rate is low and steady, pop growth rate is negative, pop size is slowly falling, Japan
5 of 5

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Card 2


What is the birth rate, death rate, population growth rate, population size, and an example country in stage 2?


birth rate is high and steady, death rate is rapidly falling, pop growth rate is very high, pop size is rapidly increasing, Gambia

Card 3


What is the birth rate, death rate, population growth rate, population size, and an example country in stage 3?


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Card 4


What is the birth rate, death rate, population growth rate, population size, and an example country in stage 4?


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Card 5


What is the birth rate, death rate, population growth rate, population size, and an example country in stage 5?


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