Deon = duty. Moral duties, absolutist and means centered. Opposite to consequentialist as is intrinsic value of actions. KANT AND FRIED. Kant not influenced by feelings. Influenced by Judeo-Christian ethics.
1 of 7
Judeo-Christian Ethics
Deontology associated with the Divine Command Theory, God moral arbiter, obeidience = epistemic reward, punishment otherwise. Maintain a covenant between man and God (eg's of man fail to abide to God's rules eg destruction of Sdodom) Negatively phras
2 of 7
"great synthethiser", pirior = a posteriori synthetic or a priori analytic. He made a priori synthetic. Moral law underpinning the whole universe. Ethics key is good will, right intention to perform your duty.
3 of 7
categorical imperative = we ought to perform as it is our duty to do so, hypothetical imperative = if i want x i have to do y. This is immoral as action itself invaluable. Broken into 3 maxims.
4 of 7
3 maxims
1 = if an action is to be seen as moral we have to picture everyone doing it. 2 = never use other people as means to an end or manipulate them, they are an ends in themselve. 3= Ideal universe, all free, act to duty according to reason.
5 of 7
Conflicting duties, difficulty in forming maxims, Steven Watson, G F Hegel, Problem of divine moral compasses
6 of 7
Pitfalls of future, pass or fail CI test, 2nd maxim = equality, Avoids immoral actions used to achieve good ends, applied to all societies, aligns well with legal constitutions.
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Deontology associated with the Divine Command Theory, God moral arbiter, obeidience = epistemic reward, punishment otherwise. Maintain a covenant between man and God (eg's of man fail to abide to God's rules eg destruction of Sdodom) Negatively phras
Judeo-Christian Ethics
Card 3
"great synthethiser", pirior = a posteriori synthetic or a priori analytic. He made a priori synthetic. Moral law underpinning the whole universe. Ethics key is good will, right intention to perform your duty.
Card 4
categorical imperative = we ought to perform as it is our duty to do so, hypothetical imperative = if i want x i have to do y. This is immoral as action itself invaluable. Broken into 3 maxims.
Card 5
1 = if an action is to be seen as moral we have to picture everyone doing it. 2 = never use other people as means to an end or manipulate them, they are an ends in themselve. 3= Ideal universe, all free, act to duty according to reason.
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