Deontology 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Religious StudiesEthicsA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: samanthaCreated on: 16-04-13 15:38 What is the Judeo-christian influence? Moral arbiter God, judges us according to if live by his laws. Obedience leads to esch rewards. disobedience to punishment 1 of 8 What was Kant's knowledge? A Priori Synthetic 2 of 8 What did he believe underpinned the universe? Deontological moral law 3 of 8 Key to ethics was... Good Will 4 of 8 Dury should be sumitted to the categorical imperative 5 of 8 What is the third Maxim? Imagine living in an ideal moral world all free acting to duty 6 of 8 Who believed common moral intuition includes deontological reasoning? Thomas Nagel 7 of 8 Name a prima facie duty fidelity 8 of 8
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