Deployment: Knowledge Management

  • Created by: Annagc
  • Created on: 27-03-24 15:45
What is knowledge management?
'the holistic, cross-functional discipline and set of practices concerned with the way organisations create and use knowledge to improve outcomes.'
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What does the SECI model of organisational knowledge stand for/focus on?
Socialisation, externalisation, combination, internalisation
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What is explicit knowledge?
a collection of ideas and information that can be written down and easily communicated to others. For instance, the correct steps to follow in a product design process.
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What is tacit knowledge?
information that is a little more difficult to communicate to others. For example, understanding coding structure. You might liken it to learning a talent; such as learning to play the piano. Tacit knowledge requires a deeper understanding of the subject.
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What is implicit knowledge?
Implicit knowledge is what we already know, often subconsciously. Implicit knowledge is important for the SECI model because it refers to the foundations of explicit and tacit knowledge. Implicit knowledge must be consciously transformed into explicit and
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What are some methods of knowledge management?
Peer reviews, problem solving workshops, idea generation sessions and community technologies
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Card 2


What does the SECI model of organisational knowledge stand for/focus on?


Socialisation, externalisation, combination, internalisation

Card 3


What is explicit knowledge?


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Card 4


What is tacit knowledge?


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Card 5


What is implicit knowledge?


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