Depth study 3 Irish Famine crossword #2 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryIreland and the Union 1774-1923A2/A-levelAQA Created by: amyburgess2Created on: 05-03-21 12:26 The trigger for the 1845 famine Potato blight 1 of 10 The farming of cattle Pastoral 2 of 10 The wars during the Famine period that exacerbated poverty and subdivision Napoleonic Wars 3 of 10 The worst period of the famine Black Forty Seven 4 of 10 The first GB Prime Minister to deal with famine relief, characterised as being relatively proactive and taking swift, bold action (full name) Robert Peel 5 of 10 The investigation organised by Peel in 1843 that attempted to explore the problem of the land tenure in Ireland (pre-famine) Devon Commission 6 of 10 Peel's first attempt at famine relief; this activity attempted to ascertain the nature of the famine Scientific Commission 7 of 10 Peel spent £100,000 on this to attempt to prevent soaring food prices in Ireland Indian Corn 8 of 10 The amount (in today's money) that was spent by the British on Famine Relief one billion pounds 9 of 10 The second GB Prime Minister to take on famine relief (full name) John Russell 10 of 10
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