The number of families that were being evicted per year by 1880 due to slipping into arrears
two thousand
1 of 10
A period of agrarian unrest in Ireland where the resentment and action of tenants against GB government and landlordism climaxed
Land Wars
2 of 10
Body established in October 1879, that provided the tenants with direction; became a nationwide body that publicized the agrarian cause and coordinated the opposition efforts
Irish Land League
3 of 10
The amount of £ that the US gave to the Land League to help them coordinate tenant action
twelve thousand
4 of 10
A tactic used by the tenants that involved abstaining from the land so it was not used, causing landlords to lose out
5 of 10
An example of violence used by the tenants showing evidence of festering discontent. This landlord was murdered.
Lord Mountmorres
6 of 10
President of the Land League - the face and voice of the Land League; this individual was a great orator and gave the tenant farmers an inspirational figurehead
Charles Parnell
7 of 10
An Irish Fenian who was the driving force behind the administration and organisation of the Land League and its activity
Michael Davitt
8 of 10
Gladstone's Irish Secretary who, like Gladstone, was sympathetic to the plight of Ireland’s tenant farmers during the depression of the late 1870’s; he saw it as something that needs to be rectified.
9 of 10
Key individual who encouraged Davitt and Parnell to combine forces and establish the ‘new departure’ – the idea that the land question could only be adequately answered by an Irish government
John Devoy
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
A period of agrarian unrest in Ireland where the resentment and action of tenants against GB government and landlordism climaxed
Land Wars
Card 3
Body established in October 1879, that provided the tenants with direction; became a nationwide body that publicized the agrarian cause and coordinated the opposition efforts
Card 4
The amount of £ that the US gave to the Land League to help them coordinate tenant action
Card 5
A tactic used by the tenants that involved abstaining from the land so it was not used, causing landlords to lose out
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