Der Doppelganger Bar Numbers

  • Created by: Hayley
  • Created on: 26-04-14 20:44
Which bars in Schubert's 'Der Doppelganger' show rhythmic interest?
Bar 11 in the vocal part- Dotted and double dotted rhythms, Bar 43 in vocal part- A long note on a strong syllable on an accented beat of the bar, Bar 18 in vocal part- These straight crochets help show the pieces 3/4 metre.
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Which bars in Schubert's 'Der Doppelganger' show harmonic interest?
Bar 51 in piano part- Augmented German 6th chord, Bar 60 in piano part- A tierce de Picardie to finish the piece, Bar 1-40 in piano part- A dominant (F#) pedal (this note is also the centre for the vocal part until later in the piece).
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Which bars in Schubert's 'Der Doppelganger' show tonal interest?
Bar 1 all parts- The key signature show the pieces B minor key which is hardly ever left, Bar 10 in piano part- A hint a D major with A naturals but bar 12 A#'s back, Bar 47-50 in piano part- The key is D# minor, which is a major 3rd above B minor.
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Which bars in Schubert's 'Der Doppelganger' show melodic interest?
Bar 5-6 in the vocals- This monotone phrase is used to show stillness, Bar 31 in the vocals- The top F# is used as word painting for an exclamation of pain, Bar 54-55 in the vocals- 5-note melisma for emphasis as the rest is mostly syllabic.
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Which bars in Schubert's 'Der Doppelganger' show textural interest?
Bar 5 onwards- This piece has a melody-dominated homophonic texture throughout, Bar 1 in the piano- This part is homorhythmic and choral as can be seen at this example.
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Which bars in Schubert's 'Der Doppelganger' show instrumentational interest?
Bar 1 in the piano- This part has both hands in the bass clef which reflects the dark nature of the piece, Bar 41 in the vocals- This is the highest note used by this part and the lowest occurs at bar 7.
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What is the structure ofSchubert's 'Der Doppelganger'?
Bar 1-4= Introduction on the piano, Bar 5-24= 1st verse which features 2 interludes; at bar 13-14 and bar 23-24, Bar 25-42= 2nd verse, Bar 43-56= final verse, Bar 57-63= postlude
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Which bars in Schubert's 'Der Doppelganger' show stylistic interest?
Bar 1-4 in the piano- This reflects its title of a lied as it is word painting of the stillness of the night, Bar 32 in the piano- This is a french sixth which is very unusual and so could be evidence of the slow development of keys.
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Card 2


Which bars in Schubert's 'Der Doppelganger' show harmonic interest?


Bar 51 in piano part- Augmented German 6th chord, Bar 60 in piano part- A tierce de Picardie to finish the piece, Bar 1-40 in piano part- A dominant (F#) pedal (this note is also the centre for the vocal part until later in the piece).

Card 3


Which bars in Schubert's 'Der Doppelganger' show tonal interest?


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Card 4


Which bars in Schubert's 'Der Doppelganger' show melodic interest?


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Card 5


Which bars in Schubert's 'Der Doppelganger' show textural interest?


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