Design methodology; design cycle 0.0 / 5 ? Design & Technology: TextilesTextilesASAQA Created by: AbigailCreated on: 19-03-14 15:32 Designers are given a what which gives them a reason to design? A problem 1 of 9 Then they have to what this problem to find out TMG and what the competition is? Research 2 of 9 They then go onto the d____ stage which is the solution to the problem Design 3 of 9 These ideas are developed through m____, pr____ and a s_____-c______ Modelling, prototypes, specification check 4 of 9 They then p___ and m______ the designs Plan, manufacture 5 of 9 It's finally? Distributed 6 of 9 What is done throughout? Plus e_______ Quality control checks and evaluations 7 of 9 For instance, how were jeans created? Miners needed hardwearing clothing that wouldn't break or rip so someone came up with the idea for jeans 8 of 9 Which is a well-known company of jeans? (Who was the mastermind) Levi Strauss 9 of 9
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