Detente 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryCold WarA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: SophieCreated on: 27-04-15 13:42 Some causes of Detente? The arms-race, the sino-soviet split, the Vietnam war 1 of 29 When was the oil crisis and Yom Kippur War (Same year) 1973 2 of 29 How much did the OPEC (Syria) raise their oil cost? 70% 3 of 29 How did the oil crisis increase pressure towards detente? Panic & worry: Washington energy conference agreed on harmonising western energy policies 4 of 29 What was the impact of the oil crisis on the USSR? Rigid system was easily disrupted, soviet technology & agriculture was falling behind 5 of 29 In what year did the USSR rely on the USA for 15b$ of imported grain?! 1970 6 of 29 What was the growth rate of the economy in 1970s in the USSR? 3% :( 7 of 29 When were the treaty of Warsaw & treaty of Moscow? 1970 8 of 29 What was the treaty of Warsaw? Poland and East and West Germany formal recognition of Oder-Neisse line as border. Germany have refused to accept since WW2. 9 of 29 What was the treaty of Moscow? A recognition of Russia's and Germany's border. 10 of 29 What was The Four Power Agreement (1971) ? Legalised routes from west Germany to West Berlin, secured situation in Germany- no more conflict! 11 of 29 When was the Basic treaty? 1972 12 of 29 What was the basic treaty? WG accepts EG as sep state & trade links made BUT WG has to accept soviet control over East Europe. 13 of 29 SALT 1: signs of improveent in relations? R&US pledge to avoid military confrontations and excersise restraint 14 of 29 SALT 1: The Interim Treaty? Limits on offensive nuclear weapons: ICBMS: USSR, 1618, USA 1054 15 of 29 Limitations of The Interim Treaty? USSR got more. Only temp - 1977, other weapons were developed in this time. 16 of 29 SALT 1: The Seabed Pact? 1971. It banned the placing of warheads on the seabed. 17 of 29 SALT 1: The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty Limited ABM systems to two each for the USSR and USA 18 of 29 Signs of change as a result of SALT 1? US-soviet trade increased as a result, Nixon visited Moscow 1972 &74. 19 of 29 SALT 2: The Vladivostock Summit, 1974? Equal limit were set for missile launchers and strategic bombers. 20 of 29 Why did Ford oppose SALT 2? He felt it was just a mechanism for allowing thr USSR to catch up with USA. 21 of 29 Why and when was SALT 2 finally signed? 1979 when Carter became president, he negotiated to reduce sovie missiles. 22 of 29 When were the Helsinki Accords agreed? 1975 23 of 29 THA: What was agreed concerning european borders? All countries accepted the existance of the soviet block in Eastern Europe. 24 of 29 THA: What was agreed concerning trade and technology? Exchanges were arranged to promote links across the iron curtain 25 of 29 THA: What was agreed concerning human rights? Respect for rights: freedom of speech and freedom of movement across europe 26 of 29 Why did the West see the Helsinki Accords as a big step forward? The East accepted movement between countries 27 of 29 When was the soviet invasion of Afghanistan? 27th December 1979 28 of 29 What did the US do as a responc to the invasion of Afghanistan? Carter banned the export of grain and high technology equpipment to the URRS/the Senate refused to ratify the SATLT 2 treaty/boycotted 1980 olympics 29 of 29
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