Development - AQA

  • Created by: PaigeE14
  • Created on: 05-02-20 18:12
What is the aim of Hughes' Policeman Doll Study?
His aim was to test egocentricism in a way that makes more social sense
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What was the method of Hughes' Policeman Doll Study?
1.30 three to five year-old from Edinburgh 2.Introduced to the task carefully 3. Two intersecting walls 4.police doll place on one side 5.Placed another doll and asked the child if the police man could see him.
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What were the Results of Hughes' Policeman Doll study?
90% were able to hide the criminal doll from the policeman doll. 3 year olds - 60% 4 year olds - 90%
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Give one strength of Hughes' police man doll Study
It wasmore realistic and do it was better to test egocentricism. It better asses the children's abilities.
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Give one weakness of Hughes' Policeman doll study.
The reasercher may have unconciously hinted about the correct answer and could have given certain clues. Therefore, it lacks validity.
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Give another strength to Hughes' policeman doll study
It challenges Piaget and his assumptions and shows that there were flaws to his research.
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What is the sensorimotor stage?
Ages 0-2. The baby relates what they see to what they do. They coordinate sensory information to motor activity.
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What is object permanence?
The ability to understand that an object continues to exist even when it is not visible.
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What is the Preoperational stage?
Ages 2-7. The toddler is now mobile and can use language, but lacks reasoning. Does not yet have the ability to make sense of logical thinking.
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What is a lack of conservation?
A lack of understanding that quantity remains constant although the volume changes.
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What is Egocentricism?
In inability to look at the world from another person's point of view and put yourself in their shoes.
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What is the concrete operational stage?
Ages 7-11. Most children can conserve and perform better on egocentric tasks. Better reasoning abilities, but they still struggle to reason about abstract ideas.
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When do children begin to think in logical ways?
Children between 7-11 (concrete operational) begin to think in logical ways.
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What is the Formal Operational stage?
The child is capable of formal reasoning and they can focus on the form of an argument. They become capable of scientific reasoning and they can appreciate abstract ideas.
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What is the brain stem?
Connects to the spinal cord and carries motor and sensory nerves to the rest of the body. Controls many autonomic basic life functions.
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what is the Cerebellum?
Located near the top of the spinal cord. It is important to the co-ordination of movement. It has some input into language and emotions.
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What is the Thalamus?
It is the hub for information. It receives sensory signals and sends these onto the sensory area. It receives and sends motor signals.
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What is the Cortext?
Cognition mainly takes place here. Sensory and Motor processing.
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What are Schemas?
It is a mental framework of beliefs and expectations that influence our cognitive processing. They develop in complexity with experience.
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What is Assimilation?
A form of learning that takes place when we acquire new information or a more advanced understanding of a topic. However, the new information does not radically change our understanding of the topic.
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what is Accomodation?
This occurs when we gain new information that radically changes our understanding of a topic. This is to the extent where we have to form one, or more, new schemas. This is to deal with the newunderst
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What is Piaget's theory?
As children get older, their brains develop and they can make abstract decisions using logical thinking.
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Give two strengths of Piaget's Theory
This lead to research to test these ideas. The idea of this has influenced classroom teaching.
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Give a weakness to Piaget's Theory
His research only included Middle-class European children (who were his own)
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What was the aim of McGarrigle and Donaldson's Naughty Teddy Study?
Whether or not the chil'd reaction would be different if there was no deliberate change in the rows.
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What was the Method to McGarrigle's Naughty Teddy Study
80 Children from Edinburgh (40 from Nursery 40 from Primary). They were introduced to a 'Naughty Teddy'. They were shown two rows of counters. The Teddy pushed one of the rows closer together. Before and After the transformation- are they the same?
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What were the results of McGarrigle's Naughty Teddy Study?
41% gave the right answer if itwas changed deliberatley
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Give two weaknesses of the Naughty Teddy study
All came from the same school - lacks validity - lacks generalisability. They may have been distracted by the bear and so they didn't notice change.
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Give a strength of a Naughty Teddy Study?
It shows that Piaget may have underestimated the children's abilities.
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What is a Fixed Mindset?
Someone who believes intelligence is fixed. They believe that it is all due to talent and believe that no amount of effort will change ability
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What is a Growth Mindset?
Believe that you can always improve. Believe in effort and enjoy being challenged. They are focused on working hard.
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How do F&G mindsets deal with failure?
Fixed- They are not talented so there is no point in trying. Growth - It is a chance to learn and improve.
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Is it on a continuum?
Yes. It can go to very fixed to growth oriented.
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Give one Strength of Dweck's Theory (F&G)
Dweck conducted research to support this Theory - 48 &th Graders - 1/2 taught G & 1/2 taught F. Growth improved in ability.
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Give one Weakness of Dweck's theory (F&G)
Both of them include praise. Any praise can be damaging and may not be the best way to motivate learners.
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Card 2


What was the method of Hughes' Policeman Doll Study?


1.30 three to five year-old from Edinburgh 2.Introduced to the task carefully 3. Two intersecting walls 4.police doll place on one side 5.Placed another doll and asked the child if the police man could see him.

Card 3


What were the Results of Hughes' Policeman Doll study?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give one strength of Hughes' police man doll Study


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give one weakness of Hughes' Policeman doll study.


Preview of the front of card 5
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