Mulit-disciplinary screeing of athletes in order to identify those with the potential for world class success.
1 of 10
what does the term elite mean?
Its the best, highest level sports performers at 'excellence level'
2 of 10
What are personal qualities?
the attributes and personality characteristics of an individual
3 of 10
Whats a mentor?
an individual who helps to guide another persons development
4 of 10
What is socio-economic status?
an individuals position in the social structure, which depends on their job, level of income and area they live in.
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what is sexism?
discrimination on the basis of sex/gender.
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what is sports equity?
fairness in sport, equity of access for all.
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Whata are National governing bodies(NGBS)?
an organisation which has responsibility for managing its own sport. e.g england netball.
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What is a whole sport plan?
a business document submitted to sport england outlining national governing body strategies to increase participation and enhance talent in sports they are responsible for.
9 of 10
What is the performance pathway team?
a combination of EIS and uk sport expertise used to identify and develop worl class talent.
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
what does the term elite mean?
Its the best, highest level sports performers at 'excellence level'
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