Development of Sport Expertise

  • Created by: AltonRoro
  • Created on: 08-05-18 11:47
What did Storkes (2013) say
Sport expertise is the ability to perform superiorly
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Bouchard et al (1999)
Aimed to test the hypothesis that vo2max differences come from family. 481 sedentary adults from 98 families partook in a 20 week programe, then tested on ergogmeter. Found that trainiability is hereditarry and has a signifcant gene.
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McArdle et al (2010)
Black athletes have a greater type II composition and these fibres allow greater trainability
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What does Moggy Bogues defy?
That each sport requires certain characteristics
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Ruthsatz and Urbach (2014)
Children who are on the autism spectrum have an extraordinary attention to detail and this was seen in a number of child prodigies
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Who and in what year did Tiger Woods' father tell he saw the natural golfer in his son from 6 months
Charlie Rose, 1999
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Chase and Simon (1973) Memory task found
experts have better recollection in domain-specific situations (chunking). Weren't better in random recollection task.
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Hope 2015
Better pattern-induced recognition
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Ericsson et al (1993)
10000 hours of deliberate practice in 10 years
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Balyi, et al (2005)
Early specification is better for artistic/acrobatic sports like diving and gymnastics
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Law et al (2007)
Olympic athletes played less sport and were more suscpetible to mental health issue, burnout and injury than international gymnasts
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Wojtys et al (2013)
Early Diversifcation encourages playing many sports and specialising later; improves enjoyment and increases intrinsic motivation through self-determination theory (Hagger, 2007)
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The Developmental Model of Sport Participation (Cote and Fraser-Thomas, 2008)
Ages: 6-12 Sampling, 13-15 Narrowing, 16+Specialising
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Early Engagement Hypothesis (Ford and Williams, 2011)
Deliberate play are activities set up by age dependent rules. Footballers who progress from academies had 2 more years of deliberate play and decrease in deliberate practice at 14, whilst those who didn't had opposite.
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Ford et al (2012
Brazil footballers don't see deliberate practice till 11+
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Helson et al (2005)
People born in first few months of academic year see more chance of progression because pf physical maturity.
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Card 2


Bouchard et al (1999)


Aimed to test the hypothesis that vo2max differences come from family. 481 sedentary adults from 98 families partook in a 20 week programe, then tested on ergogmeter. Found that trainiability is hereditarry and has a signifcant gene.

Card 3


McArdle et al (2010)


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Card 4


What does Moggy Bogues defy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Ruthsatz and Urbach (2014)


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