says mama and dada indiscriminately, gestures, waves bye bye, understands no
23 of 40
social/adaptive 9 months
starts exploring environment, plays gesture games (eg pat-a-cake)
24 of 40
gross motor 12 months
walks alone
25 of 40
visual-motor 12 months
uses mature pincer grasp, can make crayon mark, releases voluntarily
26 of 40
language 12 months
uses two words other than mama/dada or proper nouns, jargoning (runs several unintelligible sounds together with tone or inflection), one-step command with gesture
27 of 40
social/adaptive 12 months
imitates actions, comes when called, cooperates with dressing
28 of 40
gross motor 15 months
creeps up stairs, walks backwards independently
29 of 40
visual-motor 15 months
scribbles in imitation, builds tower of two blocks in imitation
30 of 40
language 15 months
uses 4-6 words, follows one-step command without gesture
31 of 40
social-adaptive 15 months
between 15 and 18 months uses a cup
32 of 40
gross motor 18 months
runs, throws objects from standing without falling
33 of 40
Visual motor 18 months
Scribbles spontaneously, builds tower of 3 blocks, turns 2 to 3 pages at a time
34 of 40
Language 18 months
Mature jargoning (includes intelligible words) 7-10 word vocabulary, uses two word sentences
35 of 40
Social adaptive 18 months
Copies parent in tasks (sweeping, dusting), plays in company of other children
36 of 40
Gross motor 2 years
Walks up and down stairs without help
37 of 40
Visual motor 2 years
Imitates stroke with pencil, builds tower of seven blocks, turns pages one at a time, removes shoes/pants etc
38 of 40
Language 2 years
Uses pronouns inappropriately, follows two-step commands, has a 50 word vocabulary, uses two word sentences
39 of 40
Social adaptive 2 years
Parallel play
40 of 40
Other cards in this set
Card 2
visual-motor/problem solving 1 month
birth: visually fixes
1 month: has tight grasp, follows to midline
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