developmental psychology 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyDevelopment of personalityGCSEAQA Created by: macyjunecokerCreated on: 07-11-18 14:21 Animism the belief that inanimate objects have thoughts and feelings 1 of 36 Conservation even if an object changes its shape its weight and mass remains the same 2 of 36 Fixed mindset people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits 3 of 36 growth mindsets people believe their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work 4 of 36 intelligence capacity to acquire and apply knowledge 5 of 36 object permanence the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they can't be observed 6 of 36 the two types of nervous systems central nervous system, peripheral nervous system 7 of 36 valid the extent to which a test measures or predicts what its supposed to 8 of 36 reliable the extent to which a test yields consistent results. If you repeated it would you get the smae results? 9 of 36 standardised if a set of data is comparable with another set 10 of 36 amygdala memory and emotions relating to fear 11 of 36 hippocampus processing of long term memory and emotional response to it 12 of 36 thalamus relays information from sensory receptors to proper areas where it can be processed 13 of 36 pons connects the upper and lower parts of the brain, also where dreaming happens 14 of 36 left hemisphere analytical thinking, science and maths, number skills, right hand control 15 of 36 right hemisphere art awarness, creative skills, music awareness 16 of 36 frontal lobe thinking, decision making and planning 17 of 36 temporal lobe auditory information 18 of 36 occipital lobe visual information 19 of 36 parietal lobe taste, touch and temperature` 20 of 36 cerebellum balance and co-ordination 21 of 36 hypothalamus controls hunger and thirst 22 of 36 IQ stands for... intelligence quotient 23 of 36 what is the purpose of an IQ test to work out if school children were going to need help or be intelligent in the future 24 of 36 what is the alpha and beta test based towards american culture. This was to stop any imigrants trying to get into america as they couldn't answer the questions. 25 of 36 PIAGETS THEORY - assimulation this is when new information is incorporated into an existing schema 26 of 36 PIAGETS THEORY - accomodation this is when new information is used to alter old information to create a new schema 27 of 36 PIAGETS THEORY - schema a mental plan or map in your head on how you expect a situation to happen based on previous experiances 28 of 36 reductionism when psychologists make a theory and don't take into account other things that might impact it or the behaviour 29 of 36 holism when psychologists take into account the impacts 30 of 36 4 types of learning visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinoesthetic 31 of 36 Willinghams theory... we only learn and remember things if they're meaningful. We shouldn't carry out experiments as we dont yet understand the process properly. 32 of 36 key stage age related stages of development used to organise the education of children 33 of 36 readiness the idea that children aren't ready to learn certain things until they've reached a particular stage of cognitive development 34 of 36 invariant something that doesn't change or vary 35 of 36 universal the same for everyone 36 of 36
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