Developmental Psychology keywords 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyGCSEAll boards Created by: Amy-May2000Created on: 10-11-15 20:07 Androgyny Behaviours that are both masculine and feminine 1 of 15 Attachment A close emotional bond/relationship with another person 2 of 15 Audio An individual's preference to learn via listening 3 of 15 Classical Conditioning Showing an automatic response to a previously unlearnt/unrelated stimulus 4 of 15 Gender Identity An individual's view of being either male or female 5 of 15 Genetics Pairing of chromosome ** female XY male 6 of 15 Gender The physiological or cultural aspects of maleness or femaleness 7 of 15 Gonads Reproductive organs: ovaries - female: testes - male 8 of 15 Hormones Chemicals that determine reproductive structures and organs. Ovaries produce oestrogen and progesterone. Testes produce testosterone. 9 of 15 Kinaestheitic An individual's preference to learn via doing an activity 10 of 15 Learning Style The preference method of learning. An individual's preference to learn in a particular way. 11 of 15 Operant Conditioning Learning that takes place as a result of reinforcement and punishments 12 of 15 Sex Biology of an individual - identified by genitals 13 of 15 Social Learning Theory A form of human learning that involves observing and imitating others 14 of 15 Visual An individual's preference to learn via watching/looking 15 of 15
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