Developmental / Social studies 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyDevelopmental & SocialUniversityAll boards Created by: madi973689Created on: 28-05-19 15:50 Patternicity and Agenticity Shermer 1 of 28 Praise Mueller & Dweck 2 of 28 Locus of control Kelley 3 of 28 Personal constructs Kelley 4 of 28 Convariation model Kelley 5 of 28 Physical appearance Landy & Sigall 6 of 28 Similarity survey- 86% Bahns 7 of 28 Conformation bias Deutsch & Gerard 8 of 28 Conformity confederate Asch 9 of 28 Rouge test Gordon Gallup Jr 10 of 28 Problems when testing Theory of Mind Bloom & German 11 of 28 Theory of mind is caused by evolution Baron-Cohen 12 of 28 Theory of mind is developed by make believe play Harris 13 of 28 Early Psychoanalysis Freud 14 of 28 Tactile stimulation with monkeys Harlow 15 of 28 Strange situation task- four attachment styles Ainsworth 16 of 28 Ethological approach to developmental psychology Brofenbrenner 17 of 28 Ego identity Erikson 18 of 28 Self concept- existential vs categorical self Lewis 19 of 28 Attitudes are mental shortcuts Fazio 20 of 28 Attitudes are primitive Zajonc 21 of 28 Temperament profiles- easy 40%, difficult 10%, slow to warn up 15% Thomas & Chens 22 of 28 Imprinting (ducks) Lorenz 23 of 28 Attachment phases - maternal deprivation Bowlby 24 of 28 Parenting patterns Maccoby & Martin 25 of 28 Cognitive developmental schemas Piaget 26 of 28 Social cultural development Vygotsky 27 of 28 Object permanence (with carrots) Baillageon & Devos 28 of 28
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