Diabetes Quiz 0.0 / 5 ? NursingDiabetesUniversityNone Created by: antoniaclaneyCreated on: 19-10-22 16:28 What is polyuria? Polyuria is a condition where the body urinates more than usual and passes excessive or abnormally large amounts of urine each time you urinate 1 of 8 What is polydipsia? Excessive thirst 2 of 8 What is glucosuria? Glucose in the urine 3 of 8 What type of disease is Diabetes? Auto-immune 4 of 8 Hyperglycaemia means the blood sugar level is? High 5 of 8 What is nocturia? Nocturia is a condition in which you wake up during the night because you have to urinate 6 of 8 In TIDM there is an absolute deficiency of which hormone? Insulin 7 of 8 How many people in the UK are living with Diabetes? 3-4 million 8 of 8
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