Diagnosis in Clinal psychology 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyClinical psychologyA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Mads0710Created on: 20-05-24 13:51 What are the 4 D's of diagnosis? Distress, deviance, dysfunction, danger 1 of 7 Explain Distress Individual experiences negative emotions inappropriately, or they last for longer than they should 2 of 7 Explain Deviance When behaviours or emotions are seen as unacceptable, or it violates social norms. Behaviour is statistically rare 3 of 7 Explain Dysfunction Individual is unable to cope with everyday life 4 of 7 Explain Danger Behaviour harms/puts at risk, the individual or someone else 5 of 7 Evaluate Distress for diagnosis What is seen as inappropriate emotions or length of emotions will differ between people 6 of 7 Evaluate Deviance for Diagnosis Deviant behaviour will differ between cultures, societies, and will change over time. 7 of 7
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