Disadvantages of Positivism/Quantitative Methods 2.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? SociologySociological research methodsA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Grac3Created on: 25-05-14 14:28 Low in validity Quantitative data does not go into detail about thoughts and feelings, and so could lack truthfulness 1 of 5 Objectivity and value-freedom Interpretivists claim that no research can be value free; the researcher's values are involved in the research design process 2 of 5 Limited detail Respondents are restricted to brief answers, so the research is merely a snapshot of social reality at the time the study was conducted 3 of 5 Positivism Society cannot be studied like a science; people's reactions to events can vary wildly 4 of 5 Questionnaires/survey Answers provided in a questionnaire may not accurately describe a person's situation or circumstances 5 of 5
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