Middle Classes
Ethnic Minorities
Police State
1 of 6
Peasants - "Less Tax, More Help"
85% of Russia were peasants.
Population growth - needed more land, but too poor to buy it.
High taxation 'redemption payments.'
Had to produce surplus grain no matter what.
Famines in 1890s and 1901 killed thousands.
2 of 6
Workers - "Conditions Must Change"
Increasing industrialisation and urbanisation.
Dangerous conditions, long hours, low pay. Overcrowded, dirty living conditions.
Trade unionism banned.
Economic downturn in early 1900s, so unemployment rose.
3 of 6
Middle Class - "We Deserve To Have a Say"
Middle class business owners were unhappy with their limited power.
They were liberals, wanted a constitution that guaranteed rights to everyone, fair legal system.
Afraid of radical revolutionaries.
4 of 6
Radicals - "A Revolution Has to Happen"
Proletariat (lower classes) should rise up and overthrow the government.
Russian Social Democratic Party followed Marxist ideals.
Mensheviks and Bolsheviks.
5 of 6
Ethnic Minorities
Ethnic minorities were oppressed.
Jewish people persecuted by State sanctioned Pogroms.
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
85% of Russia were peasants.
Population growth - needed more land, but too poor to buy it.
High taxation 'redemption payments.'
Had to produce surplus grain no matter what.
Famines in 1890s and 1901 killed thousands.
Peasants - "Less Tax, More Help"
Card 3
Increasing industrialisation and urbanisation.
Dangerous conditions, long hours, low pay. Overcrowded, dirty living conditions.
Trade unionism banned.
Economic downturn in early 1900s, so unemployment rose.
Card 4
Middle class business owners were unhappy with their limited power.
They were liberals, wanted a constitution that guaranteed rights to everyone, fair legal system.
Afraid of radical revolutionaries.
Card 5
Proletariat (lower classes) should rise up and overthrow the government.
Russian Social Democratic Party followed Marxist ideals.
Mensheviks and Bolsheviks.
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