Disease Dilemmas 3.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? GeographyDebatesA2/A-levelOCR Created by: ellajxdieCreated on: 16-05-18 20:07 what is the definition of an infectious disease? a disease spread by pathogens 1 of 24 what is a contagious disease a disease spread easily between hosts by direct or indirect contact 2 of 24 define "Endemic" the normal, baseline level of a disease within a population 3 of 24 Define zoonotic disease a disease spread from animals to humans 4 of 24 What epidemic followed a natural hazard in which country? Cholera in Haiti 5 of 24 What was the source of the Cholera epidemic? Infected UN peacekeepers from Nepal contaminated a river used as a water supply 6 of 24 What pandemic occurred in 2009? H1N1 7 of 24 When was the H1N1 virus declared a pandemic June 2009 8 of 24 Where did H1N1 originate? Mexico 9 of 24 What country is used in the Malaria case study on strategies to reduce disease? Ethiopia 10 of 24 What is the grassroots strategies case study? Guinea-worm in Ghana 11 of 24 What plant does Morphine originate from Opium Poppy 12 of 24 What is the case study of a medicinal plant Rosy Periwinkle 13 of 24 What is the correct order of the stages of the epidemiological model? Age of pestilence and famine, age of receding pandemics, age of degenerative diseases, age of delayed diseases 14 of 24 How did H1N1 spread? Airborne 15 of 24 How might climate change impact vector-borne diseases? More areas will be suitable for vector-borne disease so the number of cases will increase 16 of 24 What disease spikes most years in winter months in the UK? Influenza 17 of 24 How may rainy seasons impact on malaria cases and why? It may increase malaria cases, as mosquitoes breed on stagnant water 18 of 24 Why may LIDCs have a higher incidence of communicable diseases? Little sanitation, overcrowding, little access to clean water, limited healthcare 19 of 24 Why may ACs have a higher incidence of "diseases of affluence"? Longer life expectancy, high sanitation, good healthcare, luxurious lifestyle 20 of 24 In Ethiopia, where are malaria cases concentrated? Low lands, lower altitude 21 of 24 How did the Red Cross mitigate against cholera in Haiti? Education on how it spreads, treatment centres 22 of 24 How has WHO helped to mitigate against HIV/AIDS in Kenya? Education of high risk groups, free condoms, HIV clinics for testing & treatment for potential exposure 23 of 24 Why has the role of women been especially important in grass-roots strategies? Women are often care-givers and often are involved in food preparation, it has been shown that education by women is more effective 24 of 24
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