mating system, monogamous spreads less, polygamous spreads greater, more attractive the individual = more spread
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Social relatedness
flu, hong kong, 2009. grouped by age, interactions monitored, young children were the worst, target vaccines to specific age groups
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plasmodium mosquitos target birds that are already infected as sexual reproduction is easier and the spread of malaria is greater
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Badgers and culling
TB vector, spreads to cattle, put cull in place, stay away form cattle but defecate on their grazing patches, some practices increased TB
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Badgers and TB continued
don't take behaviour into account , disrupt social interactions so they disperse more and more aggressive interactions, increases spread of TB between badgers and the ranges they will travel
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How to prevent TB spread
raise cattle troughs away from ground, fence off badger sets, note where badger latrines are located and prevent cattle access
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Social relatedness
flu, hong kong, 2009. grouped by age, interactions monitored, young children were the worst, target vaccines to specific age groups
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