Disease and Conditions 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Health & Social CareInvestigating diseaseA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Lisa SimpsonCreated on: 20-12-12 10:45 A disease in which the walls of the arteries become damaged and thicken, and fats and calcium accumulate Atherosclerosis 1 of 10 A condition in which a blood clot forms within an intact blood vessel Thrombosis 2 of 10 A condition in which the blood pressure is abnormally high over a long period. Hypertension 3 of 10 A disease in which the cartilage in the joints becomes inflamed and degenerates Osteoarthritis 4 of 10 A condition in which the calcium - containing hard bone tissue is lost, making the bones brittle Osteoporosis 5 of 10 The death of part of the heart muscle, Myocardial infarction 6 of 10 A swelling in part of the artery, caused by high blood pressure combined with weak artery walls Aneurism 7 of 10 A condition that usually result form atherosclerosis, in which the heart has to work too hard, causing chest pain Angina Pectoris 8 of 10 A condition which results in excess glucose in the blood Diabetes Mellitus 9 of 10 A condition in which part of the intestine protrudes through the wall of the abdomen Hernia 10 of 10
Clients with Disabilities - definitions of disability, types of disability and causes of impairments 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended