if you've broken down on the motorway what will you be asked?
If you're part of a motoring organisation
1 of 33
What should you do to avoid the risk of a fire?
check out any strong smell of fuel
2 of 33
If you've broken down, how far away should you place the warning triangle to notify other vehicles?
3 of 33
If someone is lying unconscious in the road, what should you do?
Don't move them and warn other traffic
4 of 33
You arrive at the scene of an accident and someone has a burn, how long should they cool it for?
10 minutes
5 of 33
If someone is unconscious on the floor and you check their breathing, how long should you check it for?
10 seconds
6 of 33
How will you know if somebody is suffering from shock?
They will look pale and grey
7 of 33
In an accident involving another driver, name 4 details you should get off them...
1. name, address and mob no. 2.whether driver owns other vehicle involved 3.make and reg. no of vehicle 4. details of other driver's insurance
8 of 33
If involved in an accident, police may ask you to provide 3 things- what are they?
1. insurance certificate 2. MOT test certificate 3.driving license
9 of 33
If someone has been burnt, what should you NOT do?
remove anything sticking to the burn
10 of 33
If your engine catches fire what should you do?
call fire brigade
11 of 33
when giving somebody compression, what is the correct depth you should push?
4-5 cm
12 of 33
When approaching a tunnel what should you do?
Tune your radio to the frequency shown
13 of 33
When giving chest compression, how many times a minute should you do it?
14 of 33
if someone if not breathing, what 3 things can you do to get them to do so?
1. Pinch their nostrils 2. clear their airway 3. tilt their head back
15 of 33
if you're intending to turn right at a crossroads and an oncoming driver is also turning right. The safest thing to do would be..
keep the other vehicle to your RIGHT and turn behind it (offside to offside)
16 of 33
Anti-lock brakes may not prevent skidding when the surface is.. (give 2 examples)
1. surface is loose 2. on surface water
17 of 33
If the traffic light is on amber this means...
stop at the stop line
18 of 33
How can you tell if you're driving on ice? (give 2 examples)
1. The tyres make hardly any noise 2. The steering becomes lighter
19 of 33
You have broken down on a motorway and want to find an emergency telephone, you should always walk..
in the direction shown on the marker posts
20 of 33
what do the zig zag lines at pedestrian crossings mean?
No parking at any time
21 of 33
what does the black sign which says 'end' on mean?
end of restriction
22 of 33
on a motorway what colour are the reflective studs on the left of the carriageway?
23 of 33
You are on a three-lane motorway. There are red reflective studs on your left and white to your right. Where are you?
In the left-hand lane
24 of 33
In what 3 situations is it ok to overtake on the left?
1. When you are on a way street 2. When the vehicle in front is signalling to turn right 3. In slow moving traffic queues when traffic in right hand lane is travelling more slowly
25 of 33
areas reserved for trams are marked by... (give 3 examples)
1.a differene coloured surface 2.white line markings 3. a different textured surface
26 of 33
A function on the Highway Agency Traffic..
able to stop and direct anyone on a motorway
27 of 33
Immediately after joining a motorway which lane should you keep in?
28 of 33
A cycle lane is marked by a solid white line. You must not drive and park in it when?
during it's operation hours
29 of 33
if you're towing a trailer on a motorway. what is your max speed limit?
30 of 33
what is this driver about to do?
turn left
31 of 33
braking distances on ice can be how many times the normal distance?
10 times the normal distance
32 of 33
when in fog what should you do? (name 3)
1. dipped headlights 2. slow down 3. allow more time for your journey
33 of 33
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What should you do to avoid the risk of a fire?
check out any strong smell of fuel
Card 3
If you've broken down, how far away should you place the warning triangle to notify other vehicles?
Card 4
If someone is lying unconscious in the road, what should you do?
Card 5
You arrive at the scene of an accident and someone has a burn, how long should they cool it for?
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