DT; all you need to know abrasives and vocabulary 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Design & Technology:-)OtherNone Created by: -Amy-Created on: 22-05-16 12:29 gather/colect items into one place storage 1 of 25 to look at somthing in depth analyse 2 of 25 wood glue PVA glue 3 of 25 dragging the file along the work to smoth it draw filing 4 of 25 make a product for a type of person user needs 5 of 25 a meathod of burning designs on wood pyrography 6 of 25 used to draw around template 7 of 25 a protective surface on materials finish 8 of 25 to assess wether the product fulfils it purpose evaluate 9 of 25 the dark patches in timber caused by branches knots 10 of 25 timber not dried properly, bent out of shape wrapping 11 of 25 investigate- collate information reasurch 12 of 25 a meathof of aligning holes to drill many times drilling jig 13 of 25 manmade timber from waste dust compressed with glue MDF 14 of 25 statement saying what is neaded- what to do desing brief 15 of 25 used tools and equiptment to make manufacture 16 of 25 the lines in timber showing the growth rings of a tree wod grain 17 of 25 list of important criteria the design must have specification 18 of 25 v shape cut, to allow a screw to sit below surface countersink 19 of 25 manmade timber from layers of thin veneer glued together playwood 20 of 25 wood smoother glasspaper 21 of 25 acrilic and metal; soother/polish wet/dry paper 22 of 25 metal cleaner/polish emery cloth 23 of 25 anouther metal cleaner and polish oluminum oxide 24 of 25 cleaning meatal/smoothing between varnish wire wool 25 of 25