Duke of Somerset, 1547-1549 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryBritish monarchy - Tudors and StuartsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Emma SchofieldCreated on: 01-06-14 08:11 Duke of Somerset's surname (first name was Edward) Seymour 1 of 21 Relation Somerset had to Edward VI Uncle 2 of 21 Somerset fought successful wars in Scotland and where between 1544-1546? France 3 of 21 What religion did the Duke of Somerset follow? Protestantism 4 of 21 How did the Councillors describe Somerset? Aloof 5 of 21 What happened to Somerset on 10th October 1549? Arrested 6 of 21 Man who Somerset kept Henry's death a secret for 3 days with Paget 7 of 21 Number of Councillors who agreed to Somerset's Protectorship on the authority of the king's will Thirteen 8 of 21 Council which was meant to rule for Edward until he was 18 Regency Council 9 of 21 1547 Act for the Poor which meant they would be branded with a V if they were out of work for more than 3 days Vagrancy Act 10 of 21 How some have described Somerset's policies, opposite to a consistent policy Knee Jerk 11 of 21 Number of Proclamations Somerset used during two years Seventy Seven 12 of 21 How Somerset was previously seen Good Duke 13 of 21 Battle Somerset was successful with in September 1547 Pinkie Clough 14 of 21 Act of 1547 which sold monastic lands for money for war Chantries Act 15 of 21 Historian who described Somerset as the 'malcontent' of the reign Starkey 16 of 21 Bishop who was sent to Fleet Prison for claiming Somerset's laws were illegal because they went against Henry VIII's Gardiner 17 of 21 1549 Act allowed priests to do what? Marry 18 of 21 1547, what was in both kinds? Communion 19 of 21 What should be destroyed from February 1547? Images 20 of 21 The vagrancy act was seen as a savage attack on who? Poor 21 of 21
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