EARLY CHILDHOOD 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Health & Social CareEARLY CHILDHOODGCSEAll boards Created by: abic1Created on: 03-03-16 20:20 PHYSICAL CHANGES walk up stairs unaided, draw or write, good balance, catch and throw, fine motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination improves 1 of 5 INTELLECTUAL CHANGES start to think about things from their viewpoint, use full sentences, count, order events, read and write, solve problems, ask questions 2 of 5 EMOTIONAL CHANGES learn how to handle feelings, share and co-operate, love, hate,, fear and jealousy, close relationships, listening to others, begin to empathise 3 of 5 SOCIAL CHANGES develop friends, listening to others, social play 4 of 5 WASTE CARD WASTE CARD 5 of 5
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