Tohuku, Japan, 2011 - magnitude 9, caused a 9.3m high tsunami, in a country with HDI 0.88
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Japan - impacts on people?
16,000 deaths (lower than that expected of such a powerful earthquake). Warning came 1 minute before the tsunami. 46,000 buildings destroyed.
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Japan - impacts on economy?
US$300b in economic costs, repairing buildings, ports, electricity and roads.
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Japan - impacts on energy policy?
The Fukushima nuclear power plant was damaged, releasing dangerous radiation (exclusion zone). In 2010 Japan generated 27% of power from nuclear but just 1% in 2013, the cost of electricity and government debt rose. Germany stopped its nuclear power.
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Example of earthquake in emerging country
Sichuan, China, 2008 - magnitude 7.9, in rural region of country with HDI 0.73
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China - impacts on people?
69,000 deaths. 375,000 injured. Some buildings were poorly constructed due to corruption at a local/regional scale despite overall development.
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China - impacts on economy?
US$140b economic cost, due to fairly well developed housing/infrastructure.
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China - impacts on environment?
1/3 of deaths caused by the landslides that occurred (which also damaged the environment)
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Example of earthquake in developing country
Haiti, 2010 - conservative fault triggered earthquake of magnitude 7.0 in country with low HDI of 0.48, occurred very close to capital Port-au-Prince
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Haiti - impacts on people?
160,000 to 230,000 deaths. 1.5m homeless. 250,000 homes destroyed. Cholera outbreak killed 9,000.
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Haiti - impacts on economy?
Economic cost of US$14b (10% of China). Only airport and several ports/main roads damaged (crucial aid couldn't arrive or be distributed, slowing rescue efforts).
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Haiti - impacts on politics?
1/4 of government officials killed and key buildings destroyed (hard to organise relief and recovery efforts)
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Example of tsunami in developing countries
Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2010 - 24m high waves caused by 9.2 magnitude earthquake
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Indian Ocean - impacts on people?
About 300,000 deaths across over 10 countries (mainly in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand). 125,000 injured. 1.7m displaced.
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Indian Ocean - impacts on economy?
Economic losses of US$15b.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Japan - impacts on people?
16,000 deaths (lower than that expected of such a powerful earthquake). Warning came 1 minute before the tsunami. 46,000 buildings destroyed.
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