East African Development Indicators 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyBridging The Development GapA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Rachel McGirrCreated on: 06-06-14 20:05 What percentage of Tanzanians live on less than $2 a day? 80% 1 of 27 What fraction of Kenyans and Ugandans also live of less than $2 a day? 2/3 2 of 27 What was the GDP of Kenya in 2013? $1,800 3 of 27 What was the GDP of Uganda in 2013? $1,500 4 of 27 What was the GDP of Tanzania in 2013? $1,700 5 of 27 What is the life expectancy at birth of Kenya in 2014? 63.52 6 of 27 What is the life expectancy at birth of Uganda in 2014? 54.46 7 of 27 What is the life expectancy at birth of Tanzania in 2014? 61.24 8 of 27 What was the maternal mortality ratio in Kenya in 2010? 360 9 of 27 What was the maternal mortality ratio in Tanzania in 2010? 460 10 of 27 What was the maternal mortality ratio in Uganda in 2010? 310 11 of 27 In 2013, debt was what percentage of Kenya's GDP? 53.5% 12 of 27 In 2013, debt was what percentage of Tanzania's GDP? 42.7% 13 of 27 In 2013, debt was what percentage of Uganda's GDP? 30.7% 14 of 27 In 2013, Kenya had how much Total external debt (US$ billion)? 11.06 15 of 27 In 2013, Tanzania had how much Total external debt (US$ billion)? 11.82 16 of 27 In 2013, Uganda had how much Total external debt (US$ billion)? 4.461 17 of 27 What is Kenya's total exports in 2013? $6.58 billion 18 of 27 What is Tanzania's total exports in 2013? $5.92 billion 19 of 27 What is Uganda's total exports in 2013? $3.156 billion 20 of 27 What is Kenya's total imports in 2013? $15.85 billion 21 of 27 What is Tanzania's total imports in 2013? $11.16 billion 22 of 27 What is Uganda's total imports in 2013? $3.156 billion 23 of 27 What was Kenya's HDI in the year 2000 and 2012? 2000= 0.447 2012= 0.519 24 of 27 What was Tanzania's HDI in the year 2000 and 2012? 2000= 0.369 2012= 0.476 25 of 27 What was Uganda's HDI in the year 2000 and 2012? 2000= 0.375 2012= 0.456 26 of 27 What was Uganda's GNI per capita in PPP terms in the year 2000? $517 27 of 27
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