ECDL 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ICTECDLAll LevelsAll boards Created by: ElisabethhhCreated on: 03-01-14 15:56 Spam Unwanted messages hoping to sell you a service or product from an unknown source 1 of 19 Viruses Something designed to replicate itself without you knowing 2 of 19 Worms A program designed to put pressure on your PC by taking up space on your hardrive 3 of 19 Trojan horses A program designed to attack your PC without authorisation 4 of 19 Spyware A self installing program from the internet that discreetly gathers your personal information 5 of 19 Adware A self installing program that displays ads while you use an application 6 of 19 Rogue diallers Programs that call unauthorised to expensive numbers using your wifi. 7 of 19 Anti-virus software A software that protects your computer from viruses 8 of 19 Disinfecting An action performed by anti-virus software to clean files with viruses 9 of 19 Hacker Someone who breaks into secure networks secretly to steal,change or destroy information or for fun 10 of 19 Log keystroke Record all keystrokes to find information such as passwords and credit card numbers 11 of 19 Gain backdoor access Find unprotected pathways into a network system 12 of 19 Spy on email To intercept and read email to find something that can be used as blackmail 13 of 19 Firewall A software or hardware that helps to protect your computer from malicious programs on the internet 14 of 19 Hoax email An email sent with a deliberate attempt to deceive someone 15 of 19 Virus hoaxes A false email warning the recipient of a fake virus 16 of 19 Chain emails Messages sent to persuade people to forward multiple copies of the message to many people 17 of 19 What are the five signs of a hoax email? Forward this, Changing password, "Important Information", Confirm personal information, Free computer scans 18 of 19 How do you deal with a hoax email? Delete it, Block the sender, Report as spam 19 of 19
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