Ecology- Ecosystems and Succession theory

What is an ecosystem?
Set of relationships between all biotic and abiotic factors in an area
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What is a biotic factor?
Living organism in an ecosystem
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What is an abiotic factor?
Non-living element of an ecosystem
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What's a biome?
Area with distinctive climate or vegetation e.g Tropical Rainforest
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How does energy enter an ecosystem?
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What is a trophic level?
Each step up a food chain
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What is biomass measured in?
Dry g/m^2
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How much energy is lost at each trophic level?
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How is energy lost within a food chain?
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How is energy recyled within an ecosystem?
Detritoveres/decomposers; respiration=CO2
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What is succsesion?
The process by which an ecosystem changes over time
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Define 'sere'.
Each stage of succession
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What's primary succession?
Succession starting on new exposed rock i.e when a volcano erupts
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What's secondary succession?
Succession starting on soil; due to reasons such as fires killing previous plants
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What's a pioneer species?
First species to colonise an area
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What's the pioneer species for a psammosere?
Marram Grass
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What does a pioneer species do?
Change the abiotic conditions by forming soil and increasing the fertility of the area
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What is a climatic climax community?
End product of succession i.e oak tree for Temperate Decidous Woodland
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What is a psammosere?
Sand Dune succession
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Outline the proccess of sand dune succession
Pioneer species-binds sand together-forms thin soil-alkaline; new species colonise(sand sedge)- soil deepens-allows larger plants to colonise; soil deepens 400m from beach trees can grow (ash) soild still sandy; climax community.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a biotic factor?


Living organism in an ecosystem

Card 3


What is an abiotic factor?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What's a biome?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does energy enter an ecosystem?


Preview of the front of card 5
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