Economic Figures 0.0 / 5 ? EconomicsMacroeconomic indicatorsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: georgina00100Created on: 10-05-16 11:23 What was the level of economic growth for 2015? 2.3% 1 of 7 What was the level of economic growth for the 1st quarter of 2016? 0.4% 2 of 7 What is the current interest rate in the UK? 0.5% 3 of 7 What is the level of unemployment in the UK economy? (Dec-Feb) 5.1% 4 of 7 What is the level of inflation in the UK? (April 2016 CPI) 0.3% 5 of 7 What is the population of the UK? 64.5 million 6 of 7 What is the UK's GDP per Capita? 43,875 7 of 7
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