Economic problems in USSR 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia 1917-91ASEdexcel Created by: Ellierose1999Created on: 08-04-17 15:13 What was the report called that highlighted issues with economy? Novosibirsk Report (1983) 1 of 14 Which social issues had an impact on the economy? Alcoholism- 15% of household spending 2 of 14 How was this combatted? Vodka price tripled, age raised to 21. 3 of 14 When was 12th Five Year Plan? 1986-90 4 of 14 What did it try and change? Agriculture, lack of new tech and outdated. 5 of 14 What reforms were implemented? Duplication, 'superministries' 6 of 14 What were issues with implementation? Resistance from party and military and war consumed a lot 7 of 14 What did Perestroika focus on? Market mechanisms 8 of 14 What was implemented in 1987? Joint ventures- McDonalds 1990 and Law on State Enterprise- weakened Gosplan. 9 of 14 What was legalised in 1988? Co-operatives- small scale privatisation. 10 of 14 What was the impact of these reforms? Food production increased, wages increased by 13% between 1988-89 11 of 14 What were problems? Food rationing, bureaucracy and state interference. 12 of 14 What did the state commission implement? 500 day plan which was rejected by Soviet government 13 of 14 How effective were reforms? Not very- failed to streamline state apparatus. 14 of 14
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