Economic stagnation in the 1980s - Impact of the USSR

What effect did the USSR's economic problems have on COMECON?
The USSR realised in the 1970s that it could no longer afford to subsidise COMECON members
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What notice did Brezhnev give in 1981 regarding the economy?
That supplies of raw materials would be cut when existing materials ran out and that the USSR would raise prices to world market levels
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Why did Brezhnev's notice threaten economic collapse for the GDR?
As the GDR bought 70% of its raw materials from the USSR
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Why couldn't the GDR earn more through greater exports to the west?
Because it could not compete with the emerging economies of South Asia in the production of manufactured goods.
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What economic issue did Brezhnev complain to Honecker about?
That comecon members were exploiting the soviet union by buying cheap oil from it and often selling the oil on to western countries at a great profit
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What did the USSR announce it was going to do in 1981 regarding oil deliveries?
it would reduce them to prevent comecon countries from exploiting the cheap oil
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What effect did Poland's announcement that it was reducing coal exports have on the economy of the GDR?
The GDR responded by producing lignite, cheap brown coal of which it had plentiful supply - extraction rose between 1980-85 from 256 to 312 million tonnes, 40% of the world's total
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What was the effect of increased production of lignite?
it was inefficient and caused pollution because of its high sulphur levels. The use of lignite suggested economic catastrophe.
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Card 2


What notice did Brezhnev give in 1981 regarding the economy?


That supplies of raw materials would be cut when existing materials ran out and that the USSR would raise prices to world market levels

Card 3


Why did Brezhnev's notice threaten economic collapse for the GDR?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why couldn't the GDR earn more through greater exports to the west?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What economic issue did Brezhnev complain to Honecker about?


Preview of the front of card 5
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