Economic Definitions 0.0 / 5 ? EconomicsDefinitionsASOCR Created by: Laura WijsmullerCreated on: 23-03-14 12:11 Basic economic problem Resources have to be allocated between competing uses because wants are infinite whilst resources are scarce. 1 of 7 Choice Economic choice involves the alternative uses of scarce resources 2 of 7 Economic goods Good which are scarce because their use has an opportunity cost. 3 of 7 Free goods Goods which are unlimited in supply and therefore have no opportunity cost. 4 of 7 Needs The minimum which is necessary for a person to survive as a human being. 5 of 7 Opportunity cost The cost of the next best alternative foregone. 6 of 7 Production possibility curve (PPC/PPF) A curve which shows the maximum potential level of output of one good given a level of output for all other goods in the economy. 7 of 7
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