Economic Objectives of the Government- GCSE AQA Economics- Unit 12
here are some questions on the first section of unit 12, message me if you want to discuss anything regarding the course, more specifically the case studies.
Good luck,
- Created by: Jack
- Created on: 15-10-11 10:38
Other questions in this quiz
2. What are the government economic objectives?
- Negatie Growth, High inflation, aggregated demand and Balance of Payments
- Economic Growth, Full Employment, Stable Prices and Balance of Payments
- Economies of Scale, Balance of Payment, stable economic cycle and Full employment
3. What is Economic Growth?
- How fast unemployment is reduced
- How fast national income grows over a period of time?
- How fast economic objectives are met.
4. Unemployment refers to....
- Those who do work
- Those of working age who are not currently working and are not in full-time education
- Those who don't want to work
5. What is "full employment"?
- When a job centre plus is opened
- When those who are actively looking for employment can find employment
- When everyone has a job
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