Economics Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? EconomicsEconomicsGCSEAQA Created by: archiemossCreated on: 10-12-15 11:38 The fourth stage of the personal lifecycle Middle Adult 1 of 15 Two serparate goods which are used together Compliments 2 of 15 A certificate representing a unit of ownership in a company Shares 3 of 15 Where each worker concentrates on only one aspect of the production process Specialisation 4 of 15 An annual rate which is charged to borrowers or paid to savers Interest rate 5 of 15 When there is more than one supplier for each type of good Competition 6 of 15 Two goods which could be used for the same purpose Substitutes 7 of 15 When buyers and sellers come together, this is created Market 8 of 15 Total money recieved from a person's wages/salary Income 9 of 15 The quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a particular price Demand 10 of 15 Refers to the advantages of a particular choice Benefits 11 of 15 Putting money aside for later use Savings 12 of 15 Getting money from a lender that must be repaid in the future Borrowing 13 of 15 The ability to do work at home Home working 14 of 15 The amount of interst you recieve before tax is deducted Gross tax 15 of 15
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